Harshal Soni

Data Scientist

Insight | Impact | Innovation

My Computing

I Love Data.


I speak python to model in Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, and Statsmodel.

Machine Learning

I love weaving geo-spatial, timeseries, and consumer-market data to tailor sustainable solutions.


Currently attending Business School at UofT to learn about Entrepreneurial Management.

“I kinda care a lot about Nature. In liason with Pacific gas and electricity, I developed a wildfire risk model which has proven to mitigate the risk of wildfires by 22%. Developed an ensemble time-series and GIS based ML model which is first of its kind.”


Supercluster Research

“Zoom sucks, right? I designed a novel streaming applications which allows you to conference your friends or your boss in 360-degree VR. I used traditional optimization schemes along with some sparkles of AI by inventing a dynamic tiling scheme for the videos.”


Funded Research

“Tired of manually mining the advanced analytics? I developed a NLP System which will listen to your querries to mine the required information using Transformer mapping (text-to-SQL). Then, it trains advanced time-series ML models and visualize your querry!”

NLP Forecasting

Funded by ATB Financial.

“Spearheaded the development of a "Bid Prediction System" for a multi-million dollar client. I developed a novel algorithm based on Game Theory to introduce fairness in the model. It improved the win-rate by 45% in A/B tests and claimed an IP as well.”

Data Science

AltaML Inc.

My Proficiencies

Awards & Achivements.

My expertise lies in explanaibility of models, business defined metrics, and end-to-end Machine Learning experimentation pipelines. Juggling them I:

  • was granted $45K for Mitacs Research Accelerate Award
  • procured $ 60K fundings from ATB Financials for text-to-SQl encoding
  • Amul Dairy platinum card for migrating their on-prem solutions to cloud
  • Lots of Joy

  • Recently. my cats have started sleeping with me because I have managed to attain a work-life balance! Want to learn more about it? Send me an email at arcadiahms@gmail.com